Image of a woman applying Royal Export's moisturizing cream and lotions to her face Breadcrubs

Face Wash

A face wash (facial cleanser) is an imperative skincare product in every person's daily skincare routine. Face washes work to remove dead skin cells, dirt, oil, sweat, sebum, make-up, and any other pollutants from your skin to clean out clogged pores.

  • Clear up any build up for healthier and smoother skin
  • Keep your skin hydrated, soft, supple, and youthful-looking
  • Sweep away dry and dead skin cells, revealing a fresh layer of skin for a natural glow
  • Stimulate blood circulation, boosting blood flow to your face for glowing skin
  • Make your skin look younger and help fight any signs of aging
  • Help your other skin care products penetrate properly into the skin
